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Why Choose Us?
India boasts the world’s largest population of youth, with 65 percent of our populace under the age of 35. We face a critical choice: either allow the majority of our youth to lead directionless lives, as is currently the case, or propel the nation toward becoming an economic powerhouse in the future. Our government’s Skill India mission serves as a catalyst, offering young people the opportunity to live with self-assurance and dignity.
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This can be achieved if the government capitalizes on the strengths and addresses the weaknesses of the mission launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on World Youth Day, July 15th.

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Our government has set a credible target of imparting skill training to 400 million by 2022 through an institutional framework. It can utilize the training capabilities of over 12000 industrial
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By 2022, this would fulfill the demand for skilled workforce in crucial sectors while ensuring a surplus of skilled individuals available for opportunities globally. Additionally, implementing a standardized structure like the National Skills Qualification Framework would further enhance this endeavor.
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Another positive aspect to consider is the acknowledgment that skill acquisition alone is insufficient. Placement holds equal significance, catering to both newly trained individuals and existing workers who have completed training through the mission. This shift underscores the importance of comprehensive skill development.
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Furthermore, there is a growing acknowledgment that universal job availability is not feasible in today’s landscape. Therefore, there is a focus on promoting entrepreneurship to absorb the skilled workforce that has been developed. It’s worth noting that between 2005 and 2012, only 2.5 million additional jobs were created, compared to the 26 million people reaching working age annually. This accounts for a mere 10 percent, highlighting the necessity for skilled individuals to venture into entrepreneurship to generate employment opportunities for others. The government will establish the National Commission on Entrepreneurship to cultivate entrepreneurs who, in turn, will create jobs.
Additionally, the government aims to streamline the processes for starting new businesses and address information gaps to foster a conducive business environment. These initiatives are welcomed by the industry, given that only 4.69 percent of India’s workforce has received formal skill training—a stark contrast to countries like the USA (52 percent), UK (68 percent), Germany (75 percent), Japan (80 percent), and South Korea (96 percent). The dearth of skill training has resulted in the creation of an unskilled workforce in many companies, posing a hindrance to both their economic growth and that of the country at large.
The success of the Skill India Mission hinges on addressing three critical points. Firstly, it involves managing the aspirations of millions of youths, where the prevailing desire for desk jobs contrasts with the abundance of outdoor opportunities. Secondly, it entails shifting parental aspirations from seeking formal education for their children to prioritizing skill development over traditional 3-4 year courses with minimal learning outcomes. Lastly, the mission must garner corporate acceptance. While many corporations may express support for the mission, the true measure of success lies in how many fulfill their commitment to hiring individuals with skill certifications. Achieving this would mark a significant success for the mission. Nevertheless, it represents a promising start in enhancing the skills of India’s youth.